Funny Superpowers Comics Superpower Comice by Nerds
20 Stupid Super Powers (That Are Secretly OP)
Sweat beams? Super luck? These powers might sound stupid, but don't be fooled -- they are secretly super OP!
Laserbeam eyes, metallic claws that pop out of your hands, the ability to fly faster than the speed of light: comic book fans can universally agree that these are cool super powers. But not every comic character can shoot lasers or fly super fast. No, there has to be some super power variety, which means writers have to get creative. Sometimes, a writer dreams up an incredibly inventive, super cool new power, and comic fans rejoice. But there are times in which a character is given a weird, totally out-there super power, and comic fans are quick to write the power off as a joke. But even the silliest of super powers can be downright overpowered, if you stop and think about it.
Sure, it can be easy to label something new and different as lame, but with a little thought and creativity, even the most oddball super powers can have practical applications. Maybe the ability to sweat acid or grow plants isn't quite as cool as your standard array of powers, but to write these inventive abilities off completely would be a mistake. So join CBR as we take a look at some of comic-dom's weirdest and wildest super powers, which, while they might seem jokey at first, are actually incredibly overpowered!

DC's Legion of Super-Heroes are very serious when it comes to new recruits. Founded on the principal that every member of the team should have a different power, thus ensuring every new member brings something new to the team, the Legion has recruited heroes with powers ranging from invisibility to super-strong hair. As a result, you would think the team would keep an open mind when it came to oddball super powers, but even the LOSH couldn't give Chlorophyll Kid and his ability to grow plants a pass. That is a shame, because ol' CK has the potential to be incredibly powerful.
Hailing from the planet Mardru, Chlorophyll Kid gained his plant-controlling powers when he fell into a vat of hydroponic serum. With his newfound abilities, nature became Chlorophyll Kid's to command. This otherwise unassuming hero could sprout trees so high, they could swat flying heroes out of the sky. He could grow vines and entangle foes. He could grow a forest of palm trees, providing cover for allies. In the right hands, Chlorophyll Kid's powers could help the hero go toe-to-tree with some of the strongest foes the Legion of Super-Heroes ever faced. The LOSH may not have seen it, but the fact is that, while the power may sound silly, Chlorophyll Kid's ability to stimulate plant growth has the potential to be truly powerful.

Poor Goldstar. The lantern-jawed hero could have been a genuine heavy hitter on just about any DC superteam, but the guy was unlucky enough to get saddled with Lobo. DC's Main Man hated Goldstar with a passion, seeing the perpetually chipper hero as the embodiment of everything Lobo hated. Thus, Goldstar became a reoccurring target for the Ultimate Bastich, as Lobo made it a mission to mock and humiliate the hero. But if Lobo had just allowed Goldstar to use his potentially OP superpower on him, the Main Man may have realized how useful the hero is.
Ernest Widdle, aka Goldstar, certainly has an odd power: the hero possesses the ability to encourage people to be nice via the "niceness vibes" he emits. While this might sound useless on paper, think about it: with his niceness vibes, Goldstar could quell riots, halt robberies, and generally sway people to the side of good en mass, all without throwing a single punch. Functioning essentially as a low-level empath, Goldstar could "nice" his way through any problem, making him the ultimate pacifist hero. As Lobo was less about "nice" and more about "stabbing and shooting," we can see why Goldstar rubbed Lobo the wrong way, but the Main Man was all wrong to write Goldstar off. If used properly, Goldstar's powers could be very OP, making this smiling hero a force to be reckoned with.

Substance abuse and super-heroics go together like peanut butter and gasoline. After all, when you're spending your days fighting the forces of evil and rescuing innocent civilians, it's kind of hard to do when you're sloshed. Heck, just ask Tony Stark, who saw his life fall to pieces after donning the Iron Man armor while inebriated. But what if your super power actually required you to be hammed? What if there was a hero that could potentially take out an entire army while in such a state? Enter Gin Genie.
Gin Genie has a rather unique super power: this mutant can generate quakes, but only after imbibing suitably large quantities of hooch. As a member of the publicity-minded X-Force, Gin Genie got sloshed for justice, using her booze-bolstered quakes to take on terrorists. Problem was, Gin Genie had a tough time maintaining, leading to stray quakes and dangerous tremors. But if Gin Genie had somehow found more of a balance to her life and powers, she could have been a true force to be reckoned with. By mixing different types of drinks, Gin Genie could produce different styles of seismic activity. If Genie built up a tolerance and learned how to combine her spirits, she could produce city-rocking quakes. But in the end, Gin Genie was treated as a joke, despite her potentially OP power set.

Spider-Man has some of the most memorable villains in comics -- Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, The Lizard -- but that's not to say that every Spidey baddie is a classic. Case in point: Overdrive. This schlub of a D-Lister has made a steady career out of foiled bank robberies, flubbed felonies, and generally ruined criminal aspirations. While Overdrive may not be one of the Web-Head's biggest villains, his unique super power has the potential to make this leather-sporting criminal one of the best at being bad.
Debuting inAmazing Spider-Man: Swing Shift in 2007, Overdrive proved to be a new kind of villain for Spidey. With the power to convert any vehicle into a souped-up, modded-out escape vehicle with just a touch, Overdrive made a career out of playing get-away driver. As a two-bit hood, Overdrive never saw reason to explore the limits of his powers, preferring instead to work on a quick payday. But with a better understanding of vehicle mechanics and a little imagination, Overdrive could theoretically morph any jalopy into whatever he desired: a rocket bike, a monster truck, even brand new vehicles that humans have yet to dream up. Overdrive doesn't need to play wheelman for his fellow criminals; with a little studying and some planning, Overdrive's potentially OP power could allow this criminal to go from two-bit hood to bonafide supervillain.

With a roster that numbers in the low hundreds, the X-Men have seen plenty of heroes blow through over the years, rocking some interesting codenames. But a cool codename doesn't always make sense. Why is the guy with claws called Wolverine? Why not StabMan? And why is Rogue called Rogue? Did "Drain-You-Of-Your-Powers-And-Potentially-Leave-You-A-Withered-Husk Girl" not test well? Sometimes, there's something to be said about a name that is straightforward and reflects the powers of the hero. Case in point: Tag, and his potentially OP ability to, well, tag things.
As a member of the Hellions, Tag, aka Brian Cruz, lent his unusual skill set to Emma Frost's personal squad. Cruz was was born with the mutant ability to "tag," wherein Cruz would make physical contact with a person or an object, imbuing whatever is touched with a psionic signature. When Cruz tags something, he can either cause people to run away from the tagged object, or, alternatively, cause people to swarm it. Despite the odd nature of the power, Tag's tagging allows the mutant to function both defensively (tagging civilians or a team mate to cause villains to avoid them) and offensively (tagging a foe to make people swarm the individual), making Tag a real double threat. If Tag had been given time to fine-tune his power, he could use his tagging to control or protect entire cities. "Tagging" might not be the most glamorous mutation, but it's definitely OP.

The X-Men have seen plenty of distinguished mutants with cool codenames grace their roster over the years. Eye Boy is not one of them. This teenage mutant doesn't exactly seem bad guy-fighting material, as his mutation of having a body covered in eyeballs doesn't seem particularly useful. After all, when you have a team with members that can control the weather and shoot lasers from their eyes, a guy who can see out of a weird eyeball in his wrist isn't going to exactly strike fear into the hearts of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. But when you really stop and think about it, Eye Boy's unique mutation could make this burgeoning hero truly OP.
Trevor Hawkins, aka Eye Boy, certainly drew the short straw when it came to mutations, as the guy has a body littered with blinking eyes. But it's these eyes that make Eye-Boy the perfect assassin. With literal eyes in the back of his head, it's impossible to sneak up on Eye Boy, and his plethora of peepers ensure that Eye-Boy is always aware of his surroundings, making this mutant perfect for reconnaissance missions. Additionally, Eye-Boys eyes aren't just standard eyes; these suckers can see magic, electric waves, and even allow Hawkins to "see through" people, giving him insights into the fears and weaknesses of others. In conjunction with a killer instinct, Eye-Boy could become a gun-for-hire that gives Deadpool a run for his money.

When you debut as a roller skating disco singer, people are going to assume that you're not a threat. We can't blame them; after all, when Dazzler first showed up, clad head-to-toe in sequins and sparkles, rocking her best bell bottoms, readers saw a character that would quickly fizzle out. But despite her embarrassing debut, Dazzler, or Alison Blaire to her friends, has stuck around for many years, using her mutant ability to transform sound waves into bursts of light to aid the X-Men. But despite her longevity, plenty of X-fans still see Dazzler as "that lady that has the power to make a light show." Lets set the record straight: Dazzler's power is no joke. In fact, it has the potential to be downright OP.
In technical terms, Dazzler can transduce sonic vibrations into light, allowing her to turn just about any sound into various types of lights. While Dazzler has traditionally used her ability to create bright blasts or strobing flashes to disorient enemies, Blaire's power set encompasses all forms of light, which opens up some real possibilities. Dazzler can use sound waves to create hard-light holograms, she can convert the rhythm of a song into a powerful concentrated photon light blast, or even generate ultraviolet light potent enough to melt metal. Dazzler is much more than a glorified walking lighting rig; with proper utilization, Dazzler can be a real threat that is borderline OP.

In the pantheon of "formidable Marvel villains," Mandrill wouldn't even crack the top 50. After all, when you're a talking monkey in a cape, people tend to not take you very seriously. Since debuting in 1973, Mandrill has menaced the likes of the Defenders, She-Hulk, and Spider-Man. However, despite his long and varied career in super-crime, Mandrill always seems to end up on the losing side. But Mandrill could very well redeem himself. Mandrill's super ooky "pheromones" have the potential to be super useful, if used properly.
Yes, Mandrill's whole shtick is excreting pheromones that allow him to control and manipulate women. Mandrill might have heightened intelligence, but at the end of the day, he is a simple monkey-in-a-cape, opting to use his powers for personal conquest and low level robberies. But Mandrill needs to think bigger; if the Mandrill were to really push his pheromones, he could lead an army, or even an entire nation of people. He could wage wars on small countries and take out heroes with ease, padding his ranks with hypnotized superheroes. Sure, the power to control women might sound silly (and is absolutely downright sexist), but Mandrill could become a bonafide threat if he opted to focus on gaining power rather than seeking pleasure.

There are weird villains, and then there is Ruby Thursday. Debuting in 1976, this longtime D-list baddie has menaced the likes of The Defenders, Spider-Man, and She-Hulk. Menaced these heroes with what, you may ask? Why, her transforming plastic head, of course! Don't laugh! The ability to shapeshift your head may sound useless, but trust us; this has the potential to be one OP power.
A former scientist specializing in organic computers, Thursday grafted one of her living plastic computers to her head, and began a life of crime. With her malleable plastic noggin, Thursday can construct anything she can dream up: tentacles, buzzsaws, a T-Rex head, you name it! On top of this, her ruby head can fire powerful lasers and is capable of detaching from her body and operating independently. But why stop at tentacles and buzzsaws? Ruby Thursday could use her unique power to copy the faces of others, or even detach her head and form an entirely separate body. No need to stop there; detach the head and form a giant spider! Detach the head and form a working missile! Detach the head and use it for infiltration, selling this skill to the highest bidder! The power might look goofy, but its applications definitely aren't. When you really stop and think about it, Ruby Thursday's transforming head is most definitely OP.

Here's a power that sounds awful on paper: Imagine you have a friend, and every time you and that friend touch hands, you blow up. Sure, you survive this explosion, but having a friend that will cause you to spontaneously explode would put a serious damper on your friendships. After all, that means no more hand shakes, no more fist bumps, and definitely no more high fives. But as silly as it might sound, this is the power the crime-fighting duo Dan The Dyna-Mite and TNT possessed, and its this power that has the potential to be totally OP.
Debuting all the way back in 1942, Dan the Dyna-Mite and TNT possessed "Dyna-Rings," which, due to the chemical imbalance of our heroes, would cause the pair to explode when the rings were pressed together. As this was the '40s, Dan and TNT primarily used their power to battle Nazis, preferring to stick to a single explosion to take out the bad guys. But think about it: the Dyna-Ring had no limit to its amount of uses, and Dan and TNT didn't need to recover from an explosion. In theory, these explosion-happy chums could run around constantly pushing their rings together, generating enough constant explosions to level a city. So while "will explode if they touch" might sound goofy, if utilized properly, Dan the Dyna-Mite and TNT could take out an entire army by themselves, making this one truly OP power.

We've all thrown around firecrackers and giggled at the little pops they make before. Now imagine if this was basically your mutant ability. That's Jubilee. Yes, this happy-go-lucky valley girl was given the power to produce "fireworks" from her finger tips, allowing her to produce dazzling displays of energy with a snap of her fingers. To many, this might sound like a downright useless power. But in actuality, Jubilee's firecrackers are borderline OP.
While Jubilee calls her sparks "fireworks," the technical term for these bursts is "pyrotechnic energy plasmoids." Jubilee can vary the size and intensity of her fireworks with a thought, which she has used to produce fireworks ranging from tiny pops to massive explosions. But that's not all: Emma Frost once postulated that Jubilee could detonate energy at a subatomic level, theoretically allowing this perky X-Man to create explosions equivalent to that of a nuclear fusion bomb. Who needs Wolverine or Colossus when your team has a member that can level a city with a nuclear blast with a simple snap of her fingers? Jubilee may be seen as a Wolverine hanger-on and a perennial C-List X-Man, but this is a mutant that could become a true force to be reckoned with.

File this super power under "super grody." Yes, Shatterstar, owner of one of the worst rat tails in comics, is a man of many talents. Super athletic, super agile, and super hard to kill, Shatterstar has proven himself to be one of the most useful members of X-Force time and time again. But it's not just Shatterstar's enhanced healing factor that makes this mutant so hard to put down; in actuality, Shatterstar possesses an ability that is as weird as it is OP.
No matter how adept you are at recovering from an injury, it's still a chore to have to bounce back from, say, a bullet through the brain. But thanks to Shatterstar's bizarre mutant ability, he can avoid that unpleasant business altogether by just moving his organs around. Yes, Shatterstar treats his body like one big Rubik's Cube, moving his organs wherever he pleases. About to be stabbed through the brain? Just move your brain to your leg. About to take a shotgun blast to the stomach? Move that organ to your chest. With this super useful (and super gross) power, Shatterstar is able to avoid potentially deadly situations with just a thought. It's ridiculous, it's interesting, and it's more than a little OP.

When you're running around fighting the forces of evil in a form-fitting spandex costume, sweat should be expected. But while this might normally just cause a bad smell and some potential chafing, sweat can actually be useful, provided you're a mutant that can turn acidic sweat into energy blasts. Such is the case with former X-Statix member Anarchist. As the team's resident hot head, Anarchist used his oddball sweat powers to fight various bad guys in pursuit of fame. But while Anarchist's mutant ability might sound odd, it also has the potential to be totally OP.
Born Tike Alicar, Anarchist was a publicity hound, eager to use his mutant abilities to get into the limelight. Like anyone, Alicar sweats when he exerts himself, but in an odd twist, his sweat happens to be totally acidic, burning anything it comes into contact with. Anarchist could then metabolize his acid sweat and produce corrosive energy blasts from his hands, vaporizing anything unlucky enough to be hit by it. But Anarchist rarely pushed himself, leading to the hero becoming resigned with his paltry power blasts. But when Anarchist really works up a sweat, it has been found that he can produce blasts strong enough to eat through steel and level buildings. Additionally, since Alicar always sweats in battle, his supply of blasts is essentially never-ending. A stream of energy that can eat through opponents in seconds, and you never run out of them? With a little effort from Anarchist, that is one OP power.

If you asked a hardcore Spider-Man fan to assemble a list of Spidey's definitive villains, Spot likely wouldn't make the top 10. Heck, he might not even make the top 30. With a ridiculous appearance and an equally silly power, Spot doesn't exactly command respect. But despite looking like an evil dalmatian, Spot is no joke. In fact, this portal-slinging punk possesses a power that is completely OP.
Spot's whole shtick is pretty straightforward: this baddie can create teleportation "spots," which manifest as little black circles. Spot can stick his spots wherever he pleases, and can use these spots to travel from point to point. While short range teleportation via spots is useful enough, Spot's entire body is actually covered in his trademark spots, allowing this baddie to futz with anything that comes into contact with his body. Throwing a punch at Spot? He'll just move a spot in your way, and have you punch yourself in the face. Taking a shot at Spot? Prepare for those bullets to come zipping back your way. Spot is essentially a walking bundle of teleportation, making it next to impossible to hurt the guy. Compound this with constant moving around via short-range teleportation, and you've got a villain that can really ruin your day with his silly, totally OP powers.

Deadpool said it best: "Luck isn't a super power." Really, when a hero proclaims to be "super lucky," you wouldn't be blamed for rolling your eyes. After all, how would "super luck" even manifest? Can you fight crime by picking the right lottery numbers? Can you battle the forces of evil by finding a $20 in the parking lot of the grocery store? But don't be so quick to scoff: Domino's super luck is super OP.
If you want to get technical, Domino isn't actually super lucky; rather, her power is "subconscious telekinetic probability manipulation." This means Domino subconsciously pushes luck in her favor, allowing improbable acts to occur that aid the mercenary. Domino has used her luck to survive potentially deadly falls, she's managed to shut down a a nuclear reactor on the verge of meltdown with a single lucky shot, and she's even affected the probability of weather, once causing rain clouds to strike ramping Sentinels with lightning. Theoretically, Domino can survive just about any situation with her luck powers, making this one tough-to-kill mercenary. AsDeadpool 2 proved, it's easy to write off Domino's luck power, but you would be wise not to, as this OP super power might just save your tail.

There's something to be said about truth in advertising, and Matter-Eater Lad has that in spades. Yes, as you might have guessed, Matter-Eater Lad is a lad with the amazing ability to eat matter. But ol' MEL isn't satisfied just wolfing down Cool Ranch Doritos and Pizza Hut; no, this former Legion Of Super-Heroes member can eatany matter, regardless of what the item is. Lead pipes? Bring it on. Magma? No problem. Steel girders? He'll take seconds, thanks. It's a dumb power, there's no denying it, but it also just so happens to be very OP.
Hailing from the planet Bismol (yes, really -- comic writers in the '60s had suspect senses of humor), Matter-Eater Lad is able to eat any form of matter, just like all inhabitants of his planet. While the LOSH primarily used MEL's powers to get out of sticky situations (eat these jail bars! eat this dirt to make a tunnel!), this hungry hero can eat anything. MEL has consumed the nearly-indestructible Amazonium, he's eaten a burning vehicle, and he's even scarfed down laser beams! Just think: this is a hero that could eat an atomic bomb, or polish off a mountain of TNT in a couple bites. It's not often a problem can be solved with eating, but Matter-Eater Lad's OP super power allows this hero to save the day with his insatiable appetite.

The Avengers are regarded as one of the most prestigious teams in the Marvel universe. The Great Lakes Avengers most definitely are not. This team of perennial Z-listers might use the Avengers name, but they are far from Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Less concerned with squaring off against the likes of Kang the Conquerer and Ultron and more concerned about making rent in time, the GLA are primarily seen as a joke. But at least one member of the team possesses a power that has the potential to be OP.
Bertha Crawford, aka Big Bertha, has the ability to alter the mass of her body, allowing this supermodel to go from small to large and in charge. In her larger state, Big Bertha possesses superhuman strength and durability, and has even been able to leap great distances, like The Hulk. While the super power to effectively turn obese might draw some eyes rolls, Bertha is proud of her power, and the hero has even posited that she could selectively enlarge areas of her body, allowing Big Bertha to grow her hand for a mighty punch, or expand her torso to absorb the shots of a gun. This hero might sound like a joke, but with a power that could essentially allow Bertha to selectively imbue sections of her body with Hulk-levels of strength and invulnerability, this is one OP ability.

If you thought Matter-Eater Lad's name was straightforward, say hello to Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, with the amazing ability to change any part of his body into any animal, vegetable, or mineral. Sure, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man won't win any points in the name originality department (at least not positive points), but this forgotten Doom Patrol baddie is much more powerful than his goofy name might suggest. In fact, we can definitely declare the villain OP.
Take Beast Boy's animal transforming power, Poison Ivy's ability to summon plants, and throw in a knack for turning any segment of the human body into any mineral, like Metamorpho, and you've got Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man. What's more, ol' AVM Man isn't hampered by the requirement to only turn into an animal, or a vegetable, or a mineral; no, he can turn into any combination of the three, at the same time! The right side of his body could become a cactus, the left side a T-Rex, and the rest could become unbreakable diamond; the combinations are literally endless. While DC fans might be quick to write Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man off, don't be fooled; if used properly, this is a villain that would be a text book definition of OP.

Cypher is the textbook definition of "power that sounds dumb, but is actually crazy overpowered." After all, this former New Mutants member has the mutant ability to understand any language, which, if taken literally, just makes him Google Translate in X-Men spandex. While the ability to understand any spoken language could certainly be useful, it's far from the most impressive mutation. But trust us, when you really stop and think about it, Cypher's power is actuallysuper OP.
Here's the twist: pretty much everything is language. Computer code, body language, architecture, spellcasting;it's all language. This essentially means that there is nothing Cypher can't do. With his mutant ability, Cypher has mastered computers, he's become a world class martial artist that was able to defeat the entire New Mutants squad single handidly, he's been able to determine the exact area to strike a building to cause the structure to collapse, and he's even learned basic magic. Theoretically, there is no ceiling to Cypher's ability; the guy could become a ballet dancer, master parkour, or become a world-class chef, all with his mutant power. X-fans might have been quick to label Cypher useless, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

The Silver Age of Comics was weird. Like, really weird. This was an era in which stories about Jimmy Olson getting married to an ape were perfectly normal, and the heroes of the time regularly received bizarre new powers to suit the story. Case in point: during the Silver Age, Superman briefly had the completely insane super power to fire a smaller version of himself from his fingers. Sure, it sounds stupid, but this ridiculous super power is all kinds of OP.
During one particularly odd Silver Age story, Superman is sapped of his normal arsenal of powers, leaving the Kryptonian only with the newfound power to shoot a miniature clone of himself from his fingertips. Mini-Superman possessed all the same abilities as the OG, but just so happened to only be a couple inches high. The visual of Superman launching a smaller versions of himself from his fingers is certainly hilarious, but think about it: Superman gained the ability to shoot another version of himself, who just so happened to be just as strong as the original. One Superman is good, but two Superman? It's silly, but this power is 100% OP.
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