In the Second Movement of Mozart's 40th Symphony, What Family Primarily Expresses the Melody?

The MCO understands the importance of music education, which is why we've developed a unique instructional resource for teachers and parents. Written by music educator Beryl Peters, Ph.D, MCO'due south Listening Guides provide a clear and thorough assay of the repertoire featured in our concerts. They offering a perfect primer to the great works of Bach, Beethoven, Britten and beyond for K-8 and 9-12 students — with engaging historical anecdotes and simple theory for younger students, and more complex information for older students. Indeed, merely well-nigh anyone can learn a affair or 2 from our MTS Future First Listening Guides … so dig in!


Mozart wrote at least 41 symphonies and there is bear witness that he probably wrote even more. He finished writing his 40th symphony in July 1788. This symphony is one of Mozart'south well-nigh performed and admired symphonies and it exists in dissimilar versions. You can read Haley Rempel'southward comments about this piece of work on the website to find out more about Mozart and the story of this work here.

Click PLAY to watch the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
perform this piece of work in its entirety!

When yous listen to this symphony by Mozart, you will hear musical elements that requite this work a strong emotional quality. Peradventure you might even feel in that location is a sense of tragedy, grief, or passionate feelings expressed in this work. The following questions can help you heed to this work.

1 Can you identify the form (organizational structure) of this symphony?

Can you hear that it is written in iv different sections, or movements? These movements apply forms typical for a symphony written in this classical time catamenia. They are:

  1. Molto allegro (Very fast and lively)
  2. Andante (a slower movement)
  3. Menuetto Allegretto ( A minuet dance form)
  4. Allegro Finale (a fast, lively finale)

Each of the four sections or movements also has a particular form. The first, 2nd, and fourth movements are written in sonata form. Can yous hear a primary theme introduced by the orchestra at the first of these movements that Mozart develops in different ways throughout the movement, and then returns to at the cease of the movement? This kind of compositional evolution is characteristic of sonata form.

The third motility is a iii role trip the light fantastic form called a minuet and trio. Tin can you lot hear themes in the first part of this movement, so a contrasting section, and and then the sounds repeated from the commencement section again? This particular dance minuet was non intended for people to trip the light fantastic to. Could you lot trip the light fantastic toe to this minuet? Why or why not?

2 What instruments can you hear in this symphony? How many performers are playing onstage? What string instruments exercise you hear (violin, viola, cello, double bass)? Tin can you pick out other instruments? Which ones?

3 Tin can you identify the mood Mozart is trying to create in each movement? How does Mozart use tempo (the speed of the music), dynamics (the volume of the music), and expression (musical elements that limited sure feelings or dispositions) to create unlike moods?

Which movements employ mostly fast music? Which movement uses mostly slower music? Tin can you hear when the tempo of the music changes and gets faster or slower? How does that bear upon the mood of the work?

Was the music played at still volume? When practice you hear music played loudly? Quietly? When does the book of the music alter? When does the music get louder (crescendo) or get quieter (decrescendo)?

Practise yous hear musical sounds that are short sounding (staccato) or very smooth sounding (legato)? Do y'all hear suddenly loud sounds (accents)?

4 How is rhythm used in this symphony? Practise you hear sections that have a steady rhythm or beat that you could tap to?

There are many interesting rhythm patterns in this symphony. The opening movement begins with a repeated three note pattern that sounds like Òopen upwards, open upward, open up now!Ó Do you lot hear that pattern in the get-go motion?

Tin you hear whatsoever repeated rhythmic patterns in other movements? Did any particular rhythmic pattern stand out for you that you could listen for in this symphony?

5 How is melody used in this symphony? Exercise you hear high sounds or pitches? Do you hear low sounds or pitches? Tin yous hear when a tune all of a sudden jumps much higher? The opening of the commencement movement is sometimes known as the rocket theme because in the opening rhythmic pattern 'open upwardly open up now,' the annotation on the word 'now' is suddenly higher than the residuum.

There is another rocket sound at the very showtime of the fourth motility that Mozart creates by writing a series of notes that quickly go higher and higher. This was known as a 'Mannheim rocket.' Tin can you lot hear the Mannheim rocket in the finale of Mozart'southward symphony?

Can you pick out other melodies or themes in each of the 4 movements? Can y'all hear melodies or themes that are repeated throughout each move and sound quite different to each other? Can you lot hear melodies or themes that are louder and more dramatic than others? Practice yous hear themes are that calmer and gentler? Do you hear where Mozart has lets different instruments take turns playing the aforementioned melody or parts of the melody? The contrast of these dissimilar themes helps create a sense of drama in this symphony.

6 Can you hear different kinds of texture in this work? Where do you hear lots of instruments playing together so that the sound is thick? Where practice you hear merely a few instruments playing? Tin yous hear which instruments are playing?

7 What kinds of instrumental timbre do you hear? Timbre is the different qualities of sound that can exist heard, for instance the kinds of sounds that the string instruments make when they play together. When does the timbre of the music alter because Mozart adds or takes away different instruments?


Reflections and Responses
(K-8 Valuing; 9-12 Responding)

Grades nine-12 Responding

The learner develops and uses disquisitional reflection and thinking for music learning:

  • the learner generates initial reactions to music experiences
  • the learner critically listens to, observes, and describes music experiences
  • the learner analyzes and interprets music experiences
  • the learner constructs meanings well-nigh music experiences

Grades G-8 Valuing

Students analyze, reflect on, and construct meaning in response to their ain and others' music:

  • students clarify their own and others' musical excerpts, works, and performances
  • students class personal responses to and construct meaning from their own and others' music

i What is your immediate response to this music? Does this music audio like any other music you have heard before? What does this music make you lot call up of? Take you heard any other music by Mozart? His music has been used in many films and on TV. If you have heard other music by Mozart, is information technology similar or different to the Symphony No. 40?

2 What adjectives might describe the mood that y'all felt when listening to this symphony? Tin you lot identify what musical elements may take created that mood for you? When did the mood alter and why?

3 What musical elements did you lot savour or discover interesting? Did yous enjoy the melodies that you heard? Did the rhythms, dynamics, or tempos used past Mozart aid make this piece of work exciting? Did you hear parts of the symphony that fabricated you lot experience peaceful or at-home and if so, what part of the symphony were they in? Were at that place any parts that sounded particularly dramatic to you? If and so, which movement did you hear them in and why did they feel dramatic to you?

iv Were there parts of the Symphony that you lot did not savor? Why or why not? Can yous identify which music elements made you savour or non enjoy the music?

v Dissimilar people oftentimes have different responses to the same music. Ask someone else who heard the same music about their response to Mozart's Symphony No. 40.

6 What feelings did it seem that Mozart was trying to communicate to his audience well-nigh this work? What music elements seemed to exist important to him?

vii Is there other music past Mozart that you could heed to and compare to the sounds and feel of the Symphony No. 40?


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